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Changing Habits During COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on Jan 28, 2021 3:34:50 PM

The pandemic has impacted the marketplace as consumers shift shopping, cooking and personal habits.

The latest wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute was released today. Study respondents relayed changing behaviors and habits that have happened during the COVID-19 pandemic, indicating that the lack of out-of-home dining has resulted in more homemade meals (from scratch) followed by desserts and fresh produce (over canned/frozen). Also, most respondents consider themselves more careful in their behavior and concerns about the virus than people they know.

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Celebrating 35 Years with AMC Global: An Interview with Michelle Brenner

Posted by AMC Global on Jan 8, 2021 12:08:11 PM

Spending 35 years at one company is an achievement we don’t see very often anymore, but Michelle Brenner (Mic) has been with AMC Global for more than three and a half decades. She started with the company in 1985 back when we were called Attitude Measurement Corporation, founded in 1979. She works as the Data Group Manager and has certainly seen our world of market research and data analytics change throughout the years.

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Consumers Predict Behaviors for 2021

Posted by AMC Global on Dec 17, 2020 10:34:17 AM

The latest wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute  was released today. Study respondents predicted behaviors for 2021, indicating increases in supporting small and local businesses in the coming year, plans to eat healthier, and increasing meals prepared at home. Areas with less predicted activity include bigger ticket items, such as shopping for entertainment items and furniture. 

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eCommerce in the new holiday shopping paradigm

Posted by AMC Global on Dec 13, 2020 9:50:24 PM

With the pandemic continuing to rage across the country, it appears that the extreme rise in online shopping behaviors will continue. Many states have issued renewed mandates encouraging people to stay at home, and put strict capacity limits on retail stores to minimize person-to-person interactions.

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These are a Few of our Favorite Things... from 2020

Posted by AMC Global on Dec 4, 2020 2:06:19 PM

After a rollercoaster year with totally unexpected twists and turns, we here at AMC Global took a minute to look back and find some silver linings. There is no doubt that COVID-19 has changed our lives in 2020, and will continue to impact the way we live and work in years to come. But, with the disruptive, shocking, and often frustrating events of this year, also came some unexpected positive things we can appreciate and enjoy.

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In-Person Movies Hit Hard During Pandemic

Posted by AMC Global on Dec 3, 2020 12:15:00 AM

Ongoing AMC Global study uncovers movie goer behavior during COVID-19

In the 23rd wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute, our consumer behavior research showed that most Americans have not seen a movie in person at a movie theater for quite some time, and it is likely to be months before they attend again. Respondents report concern about COVID-19 risk as the top reason for staying away, as well as local theaters being closed.

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Holiday Online Shopping & Black Friday Trends

Posted by AMC Global on Nov 19, 2020 8:15:00 AM

Ongoing AMC Global study uncovers consumers’ shifting holiday shopping tactics, predictions and behaviors

The 22nd wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute was released today. This wave of our consumer behavior research showed that while holiday spending remains similar to last year, many people will shift their shopping tactics away from brick and mortar stores. Black Friday will see significant online shopping, with many planning to get their holiday shopping done earlier in 2020.

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Thanksgiving plans in the United States

Posted by AMC Global on Nov 5, 2020 1:30:00 AM

More people will be staying home with small family groups and projecting a slight decrease in food and beverage consumption

The 21st wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute was released today. This current wave looked specifically at consumers’ projected Thanksgiving behavior in the United States compared to last year. During the COVID-19 pandemic, most study participants say they will be staying home for Thanksgiving, and any gatherings will include fewer people than last year. In terms of food and beverage consumption and purchasing, there is likely to be a slight dip in portions prepared and served.

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Brand Identity and Inclusivity: What you need to know

Posted by AMC Global on Oct 30, 2020 2:25:58 PM

In a world that is calling for social justice and inclusivity, many well-known companies are closely reviewing and changing their brand identities.

And these highly recognizable brands that we see changing identities either have imagery or names that could be considered racially divisive, insensitive, or promoting inequality in some way. These moves are not just knee-jerk reactions. Brands know that consumers are looking for them to take a stand, and “walk the walk” when it comes to social issues. In fact, our research shows that people are watching brands closely right now, so being silent is not an option.

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Holiday plans during COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on Oct 22, 2020 10:47:30 AM

What do holiday plans look like this season?

AMC Global study shows holiday food, beverage and alcohol purchasing impacted by COVID-19

The twentieth wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute looked at consumers’ holiday behavior, particularly in light of their projected food, beverage and alcohol purchasing plans. Study participants reported overall holiday gatherings and entertainment activities are likely to be down from 2019. Due to a decrease in holiday plans, consumers predict purchases in the food and beverage category will decrease in 2020 as well.

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Parental Sentiments about Current School Year are Shifting

Posted by AMC Global on Oct 8, 2020 10:52:44 AM

Ongoing AMC Global research reveals trend data from American parents regarding remote learning, the spread of COVID-19 at schools, and how kids are eating right now

Following up on our August back to school study, we asked parents with children entering K-12th grade this year about their current concerns and feelings about school, how school is being taught and their food shopping behavior. This is the latest wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute designed to help clients and industry leaders navigate quickly changing consumer behavior during the pandemic.

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Drastic drops in 2020 Halloween activities

Posted by AMC Global on Sep 24, 2020 11:55:27 AM

Americans are anticipating drastic drops in Halloween activities this season

New wave of ongoing AMC Global consumer behavior study looks at projected spending, decorating and celebrating for Halloween in the United States

The eighteenth wave of our study with OpinionRoute was released today. The research focused on Americans’ anticipated behaviors regarding the upcoming Halloween holiday. Consumers predict that in-person activities, such as handing out candy and trick-or-treating, will be down this year. For those planning to hand out candy, most will do so at their door, utilizing many protective measures believed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. And while consumers report that purchasing is also down, decorating both inside and outside the home remains at levels similar to 2019. 

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Alcohol Consumption Behaviors since COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on Sep 17, 2020 3:08:08 PM

Press Release

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Travel Behaviors, Predictions and Concerns

Posted by AMC Global on Sep 10, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Consumer Travel Behaviors, Predictions and Concerns During COVID-19

Ongoing AMC Global research looks at American attitudes toward air travel, car ride services and hotel stays

In this seventeenth wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute, we focused on Americans’ travel behaviors during the pandemic—and predicted travel plans for the remainder of 2020. Drastic drops in travel were uncovered in the study, particularly for air travel and hotels/motels, with some potential recovery predicted for the fourth quarter of 2020. Travel concerns cited by respondents include the cleanliness of hotel/motel rooms and the idea of being in confined spaces of planes and cars.

You can see a full representation of the travel behavior data here or click on the callout below.

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AMC Global announces team expansion

Posted by AMC Global on Sep 3, 2020 10:23:34 AM

We are growing! We've added six experienced insights professionals to our team to serve our clients with advanced research methodologies and approaches: Caitlin Connor, Robin Franke, Doug Galante, Reene Kalola, Mariah Kern, and Nichole Smith. They bring skills to further strengthen AMC’s cross-functional team of market research experts. 

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Attitudes About Pending Coronavirus Vaccine

Posted by AMC Global on Aug 27, 2020 10:07:53 AM

Attitudes, Adoption Barriers and Projected Usage Timing for Pending Vaccine

Ongoing AMC Global research finds two-thirds of Americans willing to get an FDA-approved coronavirus vaccine, with different attitudes on preferred usage timing

Vaccine development for COVID-19 has been closely followed news since the pandemic began, with many seeing successful development as a "vital tool" to stopping this global health crisis. In this sixteenth wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute, we focused on Americans’ attitudes about usage of an FDA-approved coronavirus vaccine. While most respondents say they would agree to be vaccinated if a vaccine is approved this year, only some would want to receive the vaccine as soon as it is available, many would wait up to six months or more. For those who would not agree to be vaccinated, barriers included perceptions that there may not have been enough testing and concerns about safety. 

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Back to School Shopping Disrupted by COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on Aug 13, 2020 5:54:00 AM

Ongoing AMC Global research finds spending has shifted away from traditional school supplies, and that parents are experiencing deep concerns about the upcoming school year

With back to school looming—or not looming as the case may be—this week we decided to ask parents with children entering K-12th grade this year about their predicted shopping behavior and their concerns. This is the latest wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute designed to help clients and industry leaders navigate quickly changing consumer behavior during the pandemic.

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Virtual activities and social distancing during summer

Posted by AMC Global on Jul 30, 2020 12:47:00 AM

Ongoing AMC Global research finds the pandemic is negatively impacting the ability to stay in touch with friends and extended family

As we continue to explore consumer behavior during COVID-19 in collaboration with OpinionRoute, we decided to look at summer activities in the United States during the pandemic. The research showed that summer get-togethers in the are quite different in 2020, with virtual and socially distanced gatherings high on the list of activities. More than half of the respondents report restaurant outings, mostly indoors. And, while most report staying in touch with close family, the pandemic is negatively impacting the ability to connect with friends and extended family over the summer. 

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COVID-19's lasting impact on consumer behavior

Posted by AMC Global on Jul 16, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Ongoing AMC Global research shows some new purchasing trends and behavior shifts will continue after the pandemic

The latest wave of our ongoing study with OpinionRoute shows many Americans have purchased outside of their typical brands recently—with newly experienced food brands likely to see the most continued purchases in the future. The study also looked at various behaviors during the pandemic and, as noted in previous findings, consumers expect to continue the trend of eating home cooked meals and eating healthier. You can see a full representation of the data here or click on the callout below.

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Consumer Grocery Shopping Habits During COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on Jul 7, 2020 1:51:00 PM

Recently, Seeking Alpha, a large online community focusing on investing, published an article (How The COVID-19 Crisis Could Provide Long-Term Tailwinds) about grocery and e-commerce shopping using Kroger as a case study and the article featured AMC Global’s recent studies on consumer behavior regarding eating and shopping habits during the pandemic. 

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Americans are Delaying Much of Their Healthcare

Posted by AMC Global on Jul 2, 2020 11:04:00 AM

Ongoing AMC Global research reveals routine medical visits, dental appointments, and recommended screenings for adults and children are being delayed during COVID-19

The latest research wave with our partner, OpinionRoute, shows that Americans are still delaying routine medical, dental and health screening visits. They are also handling prescriptions mostly via phone calls, and are reporting increased usage of vitamins and supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can see a full representation of the data here or click on the callout below.

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What do consumers want to hear from brands right now?

Posted by AMC Global on Jun 18, 2020 9:17:05 AM

Today's release of the ongoing AMC Global study looks at consumer preferences regarding brand messaging and tone during COVID-19

The latest research wave with our partner, OpinionRoute, shows that consumers still want to hear about companies’ COVID-19 practices and how they are protecting customers and employees, with a serious and informative tone. You can see a full representation of the data here or click on the callout below.

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Perfect timing during a pandemic does not exist

Posted by AMC Global on Jun 4, 2020 2:47:58 PM

How consumers feel about America reopening 

Tenth wave of ongoing AMC Global study on consumer perceptions during COVID-19 released today 

As the United States begins phased reopening state by state, our research with OpinionRoute this week explored consumer thoughts on a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, personal “quarantine bubbles”, and feelings about reopening states, businesses, and public spaces. You can see a full representation of the data here or click on the callout below.

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Memorial Day holiday changes due to COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on May 27, 2020 9:33:06 PM

The eighth wave of the ongoing weekly study by AMC Global and OpinionRoute was released today. The study findings are designed to help clients and industry leaders navigate quickly changing consumer behavior during the crisis.

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Trends in consumer perceptions of retailers and brands during COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on May 21, 2020 2:32:11 PM

The eighth wave of the ongoing weekly study by AMC Global and OpinionRoute was released today. The study findings are designed to help clients and industry leaders navigate quickly changing consumer behavior during the crisis.

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Consumer Snacking Trends During COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on May 13, 2020 11:39:36 AM

The seventh wave of AMC Global's ongoing weekly study with OpinionRoute was released today. This week’s research focused on consumer snacking behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Questions about snacking included changes in: frequency of snacking, types of snacks, and times of day for snacking as well as reasons behind current snacking. Check out the full graphic of the data by clicking the callout below.

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Drivers of alcohol consumption and shifts in choices during COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on May 7, 2020 11:50:50 AM

The second part of the sixth wave of our ongoing weekly study by AMC Global and OpinionRoute was released today. This week’s research focused on consumer drivers of alcohol consumption and shifts in choices during COVID-19. (We also looked at projected timing for consumers to frequent various venues after restrictions are lifted, see more here). To find out more about alcohol, we asked consumers how has frequency of drinking alcoholic beverages changed, if at all, during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also asked them what factors they take into consideration when choosing which alcoholic beverages to drink right now.

Check out the full graphic of the data by  clicking the callout below.


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When will consumers frequent various venues after COVID-19?

Posted by AMC Global on May 7, 2020 10:53:38 AM

The first part of the sixth wave of our ongoing weekly study by AMC Global and OpinionRoute was released today. This week’s research focused projected timing for consumers to frequent various venues after COVID-19, once these venues are open and available. (We also looked at alcohol choice and consumption, see more here). We found that consumers will go to businesses in phases. Hair salons and barber shops will be among the first to see their customer base return, whereas consumers are going to wait longer before returning to crowded activities, where social distancing is nearly impossible to uphold such as going to concerts and sporting events.

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Quirk's Article: How do you market an in-home cocktail maker?

Posted by AMC Global on May 6, 2020 3:51:04 PM

A case study of AMC Global's work was recently published in Quirk's Marketing Research Review focusing on our work with our client partner, , Drinkworks (a joint venture between Anheuser-Busch InBev & Keurig) who launched their new Drinkworks Home Bar by Keurig® The article explores how insights were gathered from actual purchasers of the new product, using our ResponseCash® PFU™ (Purchaser Follow-Up) methodology. Through the PFU, using both quant and qual approaches, understanding was gained regarding the user, the shopper and the market as a whole. 

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Positive environmental impact of stay-at-home recognized by consumers

Posted by AMC Global on Apr 30, 2020 10:33:39 AM

The fifth wave of our ongoing weekly study by AMC Global and OpinionRoute was released today. This week’s research focused on environmental impact during the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in consumer behavior and perceptions. The positive environmental impact of stay-at-home orders is being recognized by consumers and awareness of personal impact on climate change is increasing.  

Check out the full graphic of the data by clicking the callout below.

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Product availability issues affecting consumer purchasing patterns

Posted by AMC Global on Apr 23, 2020 12:15:00 AM

The fourth wave of the weekly COVID-19 consumer behavior study by AMC Global (an international custom market research firm specializing in launch strategies and brand tracking) and OpinionRoute (a leader in insights process management) was released today. This week’s research focused on product and brand availability, and the impact on purchasing behavior including private label’s role in choice during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results show that product availability issues are affecting consumer purchasing patterns, resulting in both lost sales as well as brand and product replacements.

Check out the full graphic of the data.

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Five ideas for for giving back in a time of great need

Posted by AMC Global on Apr 17, 2020 2:00:00 PM

We know both from our own human experience and some initial research that we’ve conducted that giving back and contributing to the greater good is more important than ever during this global crisis. What better place to turn for ideas than to our awesome team members at AMC Global? We did a quick poll of our employees and found that they’re giving back in a wide variety of ways. Here are just a few. 

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Shifts on what's important while shopping during COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on Apr 16, 2020 8:30:00 AM

Third wave of ongoing AMC Global study on consumer perceptions during COVID-19 released today

Priorities are shifting during the COVID-19 pandemic with availability superseding price and brand name when purchasing food, beverage and household items.

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Using Empathy While Communicating in Today’s Increasingly Virtual World

Posted by AMC Global on Apr 10, 2020 11:08:01 AM

Empathy: it's something we all need in today's world and something that is challenging to communicate without the face-to-face interaction that we were accustomed to before the pandemic. So we recently hosted a virtual "fireside chat" with empathy expert, author and speaker Michael Brenner.  We sat down with him, webinar-style, to chat about the real-life experiences explored in his latest book, “Mean People Suck,” and how these experiences can help us utilize empathy in our suddenly virtual world and remote workplaces. We also touched on what we think the future might look like after the pandemic is considered over, and what companies are doing a good job with empathy right now.

You can request a recording of our webinar with Michael here.


As CEO of the Marketing Insider Group, Michael works with brands to build emotional communication, effective content marketing and employee activation programs. He has been recognized as a Forbes Top CMO Influencer, a Huffington Post Top Business Keynote Speaker, and an Entrepreneur Magazine Top Motivational Speaker. For more on Michael Brenner, download our recent interview.

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The current pandemic is changing consumer behavior, now and in the future

Posted by AMC Global on Apr 9, 2020 1:18:24 PM

Second wave of ongoing AMC Global study on consumer perceptions during COVID-19 released today

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New ongoing study: Effect of brand and retailer actions on consumer perceptions during COVID-19

Posted by AMC Global on Apr 3, 2020 11:25:00 AM

AMC Global and OpinionRoute Launch Weekly Study

We have launched a new, ongoing syndicated study produced in partnership with OpinionRoute, a leader in insights process management. The project launched this week with an examination of how company response to the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted consumer feelings toward the company. The study findings are designed to help clients and industry leaders navigate quickly changing consumer behavior during the crisis. 

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AMC Global COVID-19 Updates

Posted by AMC Global on Mar 14, 2020 4:06:02 PM

During the quickly evolving situation regarding the novel coronavirus, we all have been impacted with changes to our schedules, work and home environments, and activities. Our thoughts go out to those both directly and indirectly impacted at this time, and hope for resolution of this health crisis around the globe.

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Topics: News

Looking forward at 2020: A year of change

Posted by AMC Global on Jan 22, 2020 12:08:27 AM
2020 is already shaping up to be a year of change. For 41 years, AMC Global has been partnering with some of the globe’s leading brands for product launches and consumer insights, so we’ve gotten pretty good at spotting trends. Here’s what we think will shape the coming year:

Saying Yes to Plant-Based Products

Vegetarian and vegan products are going to continue to go mainstream. Even the most hearty meat-eater seems willing to try “plant-based” products, with plant-based burgers popping up at every drive-through in the nation. More and more brands are choosing to play up the plant-based descriptor on their packaging as consumers show heightened  interest in this trend, both from a personal and a planet health standpoint. Even major meat manufacturers are getting in on the plant-based action, launching dedicated lines of plant-based and blended products. We expect to see this product category growin size and variety. 

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Topics: News

Seven beverage trends that shaped 2019 (& will continue to shape 2020)

Posted by AMC Global on Jan 10, 2020 9:45:00 AM

Can we dub 2019 the “year of the beverage”?

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Upcoming Webinar on Product Launch Success with In-Market Learning

Posted by AMC Global on Oct 23, 2019 9:20:28 AM

Did you miss our presentation at last month’s ESOMAR Congress? Never fear, we are hosting an encore presentation of “Test Launch is the New Black: How Learning in Market Can Optimize Launch Success!” online during the CPG Matters LEAD Conference on Wednesday, November 6.

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Topics: Webinar

AMC Global Releases New Paper on Brand Packaging in an Omnichannel Environment

Posted by AMC Global on Oct 2, 2019 1:46:00 PM
Custom market research firm draws on deep knowledge working with the world’s top brands to make solid recommendations for packaging choices

Blue Bell, PA - 02 October 2019 - AMC Global, an international custom market research firm specializing in launch strategies, has released “Dressing for the Party: The Ultimate Guide to brand packaging in an omnichannel environment.” The piece dives into how the changing shopping environment is impacting brand packaging at a fundamental level. It provides context for brands looking to uncover sustainable packaging that works hard across multiple consumer purchase channels, as well as outlining clear steps companies can take to succeed in a convenience-driven shopper ecosystem.

“We work with clients every day facing packaging decision challenges in the environment of today’s marketplace, and have gained a significant depth of knowledge in this space,” said Shira Horn, Executive Vice President at AMC Global. “I am excited we can share some of our team’s learnings and experience in helping brands create packaging that resonates with target audiences, in all kinds of shopping environments—from online to in-store, as well as hybrid models.”

AMC Global draws on decades of experience helping companies such as Sanofi, Coca-Cola Company, Tyson Foods and more connect with their consumers. Operating under the knowledge that a brand’s visual look, graphics and design elements are essential to success, “Dressing for the Party: The Ultimate Guide to brand packaging in an omnichannel environment” examines how a traditional approach to brand packaging can be translated across shopping channels.

Readers of the paper will:
    • Find out how a product’s brand category influences packaging decisions
    • Gain an understanding of the importance of packaging sustainability, both from a cost and environmental standpoint
    • Uncover advice on which packaging elements should be retained across shopping channels, and which need to change
    • Discover a step-by-step way to approach packaging to help ensure a successful launch in an omnichannel marketplace
The paper includes a series of “brand tips” to help companies navigate the changing landscape in a practical, applicable way. The tips surround important topics such as implementing sustainability initiatives, designing for the fast-moving online browser, the importance of proper brand research and how to bring it all together in the real world.

To download the paper visit:

About AMC Global
AMC Global are the experts in product launch, with an innovative suite of tools that span the full product lifecycle. The company’s proprietary PFU™ (Purchaser Follow-up) tool, was developed early on to capture insights from real purchasers of new or restaged products immediately following launch. This solution set the stage for the development of numerous tools, some with exclusive patents, to help brands optimize products for launch and deeply understand purchaser and shopper perspectives. The AMC Global team prides itself on the fact that clients consider them true strategic partners, brought in to help their teams forward-think and stay on the cutting edge of analytics and insights. The company is headquartered in Blue Bell, PA.
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Topics: News

It’s an ESOMAR Scottish Tweet Round-Up!

Posted by AMC Global on Sep 14, 2019 11:50:39 AM

AMC Global weighs in on what was happening at Congress in Edinburgh this week.

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Topics: Conferences

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