AMC News

Why I Love MR: An Interview with Shelbi Webb

Written by AMC Global | Mar 4, 2024 8:07:21 PM

Welcome to our "Why I Love MR" Q&A Series! We have talked with both internal AMC Staff and some of our clients, so keep an eye out for fun interviews coming up exploring all the reasons why those of us who work in market research are so passionate about what we do! Interested in being interviewed and sharing why YOU love MR? Reach out to us.

Here we get a chance to know Shelbi Webb, Project Director at AMC Global, a little bit better...

A lot of little kids want to be astronauts, firefighters, or doctors when they grow up. Few five year olds would tell you, “When I get older, I want to be a market researcher!” How did you first get involved in market research, and what drew you to it? 

SHELBI: I stumbled upon market research during my undergrad. It was completely new to me at the time. But I found the material was fascinating and using statistics and strategic thinking sounded like a perfect blend for my career. I also had a great professor who encouraged me to consider the Master’s program. It seemed too good to pass up, so straight out of undergrad, I dove right in!

What has surprised you most about working in market research and insights? 

SHELBI: I love the versatility of marketing research. Custom research is especially enjoyable because it allows us to tailor the research to meet our clients' information needs. This makes everyday at work exciting as we uncover interesting insights about consumers. Investigating how consumers perceive and make decisions is a fascinating and engaging aspect of this field.


Surprise! You’ve been given unlimited resources to study anything in the world. What does this passion project look like? What would you discover? 

SHELBI: I enjoy travel so any research in the travel and hospitality industry would be interesting. What tools are consumers using to plan their travel? How do they choose their activities on vacation? What role do social media platforms play in inspiring travel plans and influencing choices? There are many interesting topics to explore in this industry.


Market research studies come in all shapes and sizes, from quick claims and message tests, to large and complex conjoint analysis, to getting your feet on the ground with in-depth qualitative interviews. What’s your favorite methodology or research approach?

SHELBI: I really like quantitative methodologies, especially foundational research—it's my favorite. Foundational research sets the stage for understanding the basic principles and trends that shape consumer behavior and perceptions, which guides marketing strategies. In-Home Usage Tests are fascinating, providing insights into actual product usage, uncovering subtle details that might not come to light through words alone. And qualitative research is definitely growing on me as the depth of understanding gained from real conversations with consumers is invaluable.


What do you feel are hot topics and cutting-edge innovations in the market research field today? How do you feel this will shape the future of insights careers?

SHELBI: AI and machine learning are revolutionizing every industry, marketing research included. There are many tools coming out of AI/ML that aid in delivering insights faster. You can’t replace the expertise of a researcher but AI/ML is certainly becoming a useful tool, enhancing efficiency.

What would you tell someone who is considering a career in market research? 

SHELBI: I would highly encourage others that are considering a career in marketing research to go for it, I genuinely LOVE my job! My less fulfilling days are those where I have little to do. And on my best days I have the opportunity to work on various projects, solving for client’s needs with strategic thinking and creativity.  

Thank you, Shelbi!


Why do YOU love market research? Let us know, and maybe you can be our next guest in this series!