AMC News

We write for Research World on Reaching Gen Z Audiences

Written by AMC Global | May 16, 2024 1:28:58 PM

Reaching Gen Z audiences is becoming more and more important as this generation grows into their earning and buying power—but when doing market research they require a different approach to get the best insights. Recently our VP of Strategy and Insights, Emily Trentacosta, was published in Research World magazine talking about Gen Z and research. In her article, “Navigating Gen Z Research: Strategies and Considerations,” Emily shares gathered thoughts from experts in market research, and what we’ve learned at AMC Global, to help shed light on Gen Z study best practices.

The article talks about how important it is for researchers to understand that Gen Z resists traditional categorization, and to avoid asking them to fit into “boxes” or traditional demographic classifications. Emily advises offering inclusive options or the ability to skip certain questions to keep them engaged—if you must ask demographic questions at all in your study.

And of course, researchers must consider a mobile-first approach to engage the mobile-first Generation Z. Reaching them digitally through custom apps and social platforms, as well as considering methods like asynchronous research, will capture their attention more effectively for your studies. Another important aspect for engagement is fair compensation and transparent incentives to keep Gen Z participants motivated and prevent dropouts.

Navigating Gen Z Research: Strategies and Considerations,” also discusses how it isn’t just the study itself that needs to be adjusted to reach Gen Z best, researchers must also consider how to segment and analyze the data gathered from Gen Z. Emily recommends segmenting Gen Z based on attitudes and preferences, not just demographics—and interpret findings through a lens of understanding Gen Z’s unique expectations shaped by lifelong tech exposure.

The Research World article features input from market research firms like Logica Research, The Social Question, MFour, OpinionRoute and more. With tailored approaches and a deep understanding of Gen Z's diversity and digital fluency, market research can connect with them authentically. To find out more about reaching this unique cohort, reach out to us!