AMC News

The Insights and Trends Report from TMRE

Written by AMC Global | Nov 29, 2022 9:57:32 PM

TMRE in San Antonio in November was a cornucopia of knowledge and networking, and the learning continues with this week’s delivery of the All Things Insights / TMRE “Insights Spends and Trends Report.” This benchmarking report showcases how changing mindsets and spending patterns are manifesting in today’s world, and includes thoughts from innovation leaders like Karen Kraft from Johnsonville, Shilpa Khanna from Clorox, Michael Nevski from Visa, and more! 


The report also includes Cogate Palmolive’s Cherie Leonard, talking about how the evolution of insights can directly affect the expansion of influence, along with thoughts on the talent needed to grow company insights functions through deeper understanding of data and analytics. Our EVP of Corporate Strategy & Innovation, Miriam Konz, attended Cherie’s session at TMRE, “Ask Me Anything – Shopper Insights Now and in the Future” where Cherie spoke of her company’s disruptive, foresight-driven approach, and scrubbing the internet (Reddit, Kickstarter, Indiegogo) for future trends like the future of commerce coming from Asia Pacific (i.e. drone delivery). 


Cherie also was on a panel at the show, “Examining The Evolution Of Insights Spend & Trends” which was directly related to the content in this new report. The talk, and the report, examine the dynamic shifts in consumer behavior and the flood of new solutions to meet those behaviors that have in turn created a completely unique industry inflection point. Top organizational priorities were discussed, as well as talent acquisition and insights budgets. Other panel participants included those who contributed to the new “Insights Spends and Trends Report.”


In the report, Cherie spearheads sharing data about the biggest strengths and opportunities within the insights function. Some strengths identified were “increasing the speed of insights” (40%) and “expanding influence on the overall business” (40%). In terms of opportunities, 57% find the biggest opportunity within insights to be to “guide enterprise strategy” with 50% seeing opportunity to “drive revenue.” To read more about insights function’s influence and future, grab a copy of the report or reach out to our own Miriam Konz to hear about what was shared at TMRE.