AMC News

Perfect timing during a pandemic does not exist

Written by AMC Global | Jun 4, 2020 6:47:58 PM

How consumers feel about America reopening 

Tenth wave of ongoing AMC Global study on consumer perceptions during COVID-19 released today 

As the United States begins phased reopening state by state, our research with OpinionRoute this week explored consumer thoughts on a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, personal “quarantine bubbles”, and feelings about reopening states, businesses, and public spaces. You can see a full representation of the data here or click on the callout below.


Key findings for the week of June 1:

  • Sixty-five percent of consumers believe a second wave of COVID-19 cases is extremely or very likely.

  • Twenty-nine percent of respondents believe “Now is the right time to reopen,”] with 54% claiming that openings are happening “Too soon” in their state.

  • More than 70% of consumers believe concert venues (83%), amusement parks (76%), swimming pools, clubs and movie theaters (76%), and tattoo parlors (71%), should remain closed for the time being.

  • The size of people’s “quarantine bubble” (average number of people from whom you are NOT socially distancing) is increasing, with the average number of people included in a person’s bubble in the first month of lockdown being 3.3, and in the past two weeks expanding to 4.6.


A complete representation of the data can be found here. New results and findings will be released on June 18. The study findings are designed to help clients and industry leaders navigate quickly changing consumer behavior during the crisis. You can apply Foundational Research to find out what impact current consumer timing will have on your next project. Contact us for more details!